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Our Kids

Raise awareness about the development gap for refugee children and teens who do not have access to consistent education.


Refugee Education: Fast Facts

With thousands of people being displaced every year, many being children, basic human needs like food, shelter, and water, are the top priority of relief workers and host countries. However, for many refugee children, their education is put on hold because of lack of access.

Half the World's Refugee Kids are Not in School

Out of a global population of 7.2 million school-age refugee children, four million do not attend lessons of any kind.

A New View

NGOs have moved to focus on education as life-saving intervention, going beyond displacement, providing opportunities for later income and more avenues in life.

Basic Schooling is a Human Right

Education pushes humanitarian action beyond a physical or medical focus to an investment that focuses on mental, economic and emotional development. 

Working Together

NGOs can provide diverse educational needs, and transnational advocacy networks can work across borders with the common goal of providing education.


Testimonials from experts and stakeholders.

"[Jesuit Relief Services] have really prioritized increasing access to education for refugees and other forcibly displaced persons as a core element of our global programming and it's inherently a right for any individual, and we see refugees and other forcibly displaced peoples are disproportionately impacted in terms of not having access to education particular in historically humanitarian response efforts."

Guilia McPherson, Jesuit Relief Services

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